Agri-Input Suppliers
Good results are nothing but the outcomes produced from good inputs. We have been enjoying a long-term relationship with our agri-input suppliers. Be it agricultural inputs for the feed or core components for feed supplements and poultry vaccines, we always accept high-quality raw materials from our suppliers and they too have never failed to fulfill our expectations.

Our tryst with farmers goes long back to the days of our inception. Suguna has always stood by the farmer community even during the uncertain times of the market, and still, it continues to do so. Contract farming is in itself not only an innovative business model but also an umbrella that protects the farmers from market fluctuations. Because we believe that nutritional security cannot be promised without empowering the farmer community.
Channel Partners
Channel partners are the bridge that connects Suguna with the consumers. We would have never been able to come this far without our channel partners. They make our business seamless by transporting the grown birds to the consumer end. We always ensure that our channel partners grow with us by opening up a myriad of opportunities wherever we go.

Franchisee Partners
With a reputation of being a leader of the live bird market, Suguna now establishes itself in the retail segment, offering our audience value-added food products. This eases the effort to find authentic chicken from Suguna and strengthened the trust that consumers have in the brand. The franchise partners play a crucial role in making this happen.
Partner with Suguna
Suguna promises consistent growth to the farmers and the channel partners by ensuring a better profit and customer relationship. Drop us a message and we’ll connect with you.